// Copyright 2015 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.wekaclassifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.uma.jmetal.algorithm.Algorithm; import org.uma.jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.nsgaii.NSGAIIBuilder; import org.uma.jmetal.operator.CrossoverOperator; import org.uma.jmetal.operator.MutationOperator; import org.uma.jmetal.operator.SelectionOperator; import org.uma.jmetal.operator.impl.crossover.SBXCrossover; import org.uma.jmetal.operator.impl.mutation.UniformMutation; import org.uma.jmetal.operator.impl.selection.BinaryTournamentSelection; import org.uma.jmetal.problem.ConstrainedProblem; import org.uma.jmetal.problem.Problem; import org.uma.jmetal.problem.impl.AbstractDoubleProblem; import org.uma.jmetal.runner.AbstractAlgorithmRunner; import org.uma.jmetal.solution.DoubleSolution; import org.uma.jmetal.util.AlgorithmRunner; import org.uma.jmetal.util.comparator.RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator; import org.uma.jmetal.util.solutionattribute.impl.NumberOfViolatedConstraints; import org.uma.jmetal.util.solutionattribute.impl.OverallConstraintViolation; import de.ugoe.cs.util.console.Console; import weka.classifiers.AbstractClassifier; import weka.core.Attribute; import weka.core.Instance; import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.Utils; /** *

* Implements MODEP after Canfora et al., 2013. The class learns the family of MODEP classifiers * with the NSGAII algorithm. Based on a defined threshold for the desired recall, we then pick the * best of the results, i.e., the one that requires the fewest LOC and is still achieves the desired * recall. *


* Our implementation currently only allows a threshold for the desired recall, not for the desired * number of LOC. *

* * @author Steffen Herbold */ public class MODEPClassifier extends AbstractClassifier { /** Default serial ID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Coefficients of the calculated solution */ double[][] solutionCoefficients = null; /** * Threshold for the desired recall; default 0.7 */ double desiredRecall = 0.7; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see weka.classifiers.AbstractClassifier#setOptions(java.lang.String[]) */ @Override public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception { String desiredRecallString = Utils.getOption('R', options); if (!desiredRecallString.isEmpty()) { desiredRecall = Double.parseDouble(desiredRecallString); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see weka.classifiers.AbstractClassifier#distributionForInstance(weka.core.Instance) */ @Override public double[] distributionForInstance(Instance instance) throws Exception { return distributionForInstance(solutionCoefficients, instance); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see weka.classifiers.Classifier#buildClassifier(weka.core.Instances) */ @Override public void buildClassifier(Instances traindata) throws Exception { double desiredInstances = desiredRecall * traindata.attributeStats(traindata.classIndex()).nominalCounts[1]; MyNSGAIIRunner nsgaIIrunner = new MyNSGAIIRunner(traindata, desiredInstances); List solutions = nsgaIIrunner.run(); DoubleSolution bestSolution = null; for (DoubleSolution solution : solutions) { if (solution.getObjective(0) >= desiredInstances) { if (bestSolution == null) { bestSolution = solution; } else { if (bestSolution.getObjective(1) < solution.getObjective(1)) { bestSolution = solution; } } } } if (bestSolution == null) { Console.trace(Level.WARNING, "no solution with desired recall found, pick best recall instead"); for (DoubleSolution solution : solutions) { if (bestSolution == null) { bestSolution = solution; } if (solution.getObjective(0) > bestSolution.getObjective(0)) { bestSolution = solution; } } } solutionCoefficients = solutionToCoefficients(bestSolution); } /** *

* Internal helper method to get the distribution for an instance given the coefficients of the * logistic regression *

* * @param coefficients * the coefficients * @param instance * the instance * @return probability for each class */ private static double[] distributionForInstance(double[][] coefficients, Instance instance) { int numClasses = instance.classAttribute().numValues(); double[] results = new double[numClasses]; for (int i = 0; i < numClasses; i++) { int k = 0; for (int j = 0; j < instance.numAttributes(); j++) { if (j != instance.classIndex()) { results[i] += coefficients[i][k] * instance.value(j); k++; } } results[i] = sigmoid(results[i]); } return results; } /** *

* returns the classification of an instance with the logistic regression for the given * coefficients *

* * @param coefficients * the coefficients * @param instance * the instance * @return the binary classification */ private static double logisticRegression(double[][] coefficients, Instance instance) { double[] results = distributionForInstance(coefficients, instance); double maxResult = Double.MIN_VALUE; int maxIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { if (maxResult < results[i]) { maxResult = results[i]; maxIndex = i; } } return Double.parseDouble(instance.classAttribute().value(maxIndex)); } /** *

* Sigmoid function, required for logistic regression *

* * @param z * value for which the sigmoid is calcualted * @return 1/(1+exp(-z)) */ private static double sigmoid(double z) { return 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.exp(-z)); } /** *

* Converts a {@link DoubleSolution} into a coefficient matrix *

* * @param solution * solution the is converted * @return coefficient matrix */ public static double[][] solutionToCoefficients(DoubleSolution solution) { int numberOfVariables = solution.getNumberOfVariables(); int numberOfCoefficients = numberOfVariables / 2; double[][] coefficients = new double[2][numberOfCoefficients]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariables; i++) { if (i < numberOfCoefficients) { coefficients[0][i] = solution.getVariableValue(i); } else { coefficients[1][i - numberOfCoefficients] = solution.getVariableValue(i); } } return coefficients; } /** *

* Executes the NSGAII algorithm with the MODEP problem. *

* * @author Steffen Herbold */ private class MyNSGAIIRunner extends AbstractAlgorithmRunner { /** * configured algorithm to solve the {@link MODEPProblem}. */ final Algorithm> algorithm; /** *

* Constructor. Configures the algorithm object. *

* * @param data * data for which the MODEP problem is optimized * @param minEffectiveness * minimal desired effectiveness */ private MyNSGAIIRunner(Instances data, double minEffectiveness) { final Problem problem = new MODEPProblem(data, minEffectiveness); double crossoverProbability = 0.6; double crossoverDistributionIndex = 20.0; final CrossoverOperator crossover = new SBXCrossover(crossoverProbability, crossoverDistributionIndex); double mutationProbability = 0.05; double mutationPerturbation = 0.0; final MutationOperator mutation = new UniformMutation(mutationProbability, mutationPerturbation); final SelectionOperator, DoubleSolution> selection = new BinaryTournamentSelection(new RankingAndCrowdingDistanceComparator()); algorithm = new NSGAIIBuilder(problem, crossover, mutation) .setSelectionOperator(selection).setMaxIterations(400).setPopulationSize(100) .build(); } /** *

* Executes the NSGAII algorithm. *

* * @return solutions of the problem; should be a Pareto front */ public List run() { AlgorithmRunner algorithmRunner = new AlgorithmRunner.Executor(algorithm).execute(); List population = algorithm.getResult(); Console.traceln(Level.FINEST, "genetic algorithm run time: " + algorithmRunner.getComputingTime()); return population; } } /** *

* Problem definition of MODEP. *

* * @author Steffen Herbold */ private class MODEPProblem extends AbstractDoubleProblem implements ConstrainedProblem { /** Default serial ID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Data for which MODEP is defined */ private final Instances data; /** * Minimal desired effectiveness. */ private final double minEffectiveness; /** * Stores the contraint violations for all current solutions */ public OverallConstraintViolation overallConstraintViolationDegree; /** * Stores the number of violated constraints for all current solutions. */ public NumberOfViolatedConstraints numberOfViolatedConstraints; /** *

* Constructor. Initializes the MODEP problem. *

* * @param data * data for which MODEP is defined * @param minEffectiveness * minimal desired effectiveness */ public MODEPProblem(Instances data, double minEffectiveness) { this.data = data; this.minEffectiveness = minEffectiveness; setNumberOfVariables(2 * (data.numAttributes() - 1)); setNumberOfObjectives(2); setNumberOfConstraints(1); setName("MODEPProblem"); List lowerLimit = new ArrayList<>(getNumberOfVariables()); List upperLimit = new ArrayList<>(getNumberOfVariables()); for (int i = 0; i < getNumberOfVariables(); i++) { lowerLimit.add(-100.0); upperLimit.add(100.0); } setLowerLimit(lowerLimit); setUpperLimit(upperLimit); overallConstraintViolationDegree = new OverallConstraintViolation<>(); numberOfViolatedConstraints = new NumberOfViolatedConstraints<>(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.uma.jmetal.problem.Problem#evaluate(org.uma.jmetal.solution.Solution) */ @Override public void evaluate(DoubleSolution solution) { double[][] coefficients = solutionToCoefficients(solution); final Attribute loc = data.attribute("loc"); double effectiveness = 0.0; double cost = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { double currentClass = logisticRegression(coefficients, data.get(i)); if (currentClass == 1.0) { if (data.get(i).classValue() == 1.0) { effectiveness++; } cost -= data.get(i).value(loc); } } solution.setObjective(0, effectiveness); solution.setObjective(1, cost); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.uma.jmetal.problem.ConstrainedProblem#evaluateConstraints(org.uma.jmetal.solution. * Solution) */ @Override public void evaluateConstraints(DoubleSolution solution) { double constraintViolation = minEffectiveness - solution.getObjective(0); if (constraintViolation > 0) { overallConstraintViolationDegree.setAttribute(solution, constraintViolation); numberOfViolatedConstraints.setAttribute(solution, 1); } else { overallConstraintViolationDegree.setAttribute(solution, 0.0); numberOfViolatedConstraints.setAttribute(solution, 0); } } } }