package de.ugoe.cs.cpdp; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.dataprocessing.IProcessesingStrategy; import de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.dataprocessing.ISetWiseProcessingStrategy; import de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.dataselection.IPointWiseDataselectionStrategy; import de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.dataselection.ISetWiseDataselectionStrategy; import de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.eval.IEvaluationStrategy; import de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.loader.IVersionLoader; import; import; import de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.versions.IVersionFilter; import de.ugoe.cs.util.StringTools; import de.ugoe.cs.util.console.Console; /** * Class that contains all meta information about an experiment, i.e., its configuration. The configuration is loaded from an XML file. *

* In the current implementation, the experiment configuration can only be created using an XML file. Programmatic creation of experiment configurations is currently not possibly. * @author Steffen Herbold */ public class ExperimentConfiguration extends DefaultHandler { /** * handle of the file that contains the configuration */ private final File configFile; /** * name of the experiment (automatically set to the file name without the .xml ending) */ private String experimentName = "exp"; /** * loads instances */ private List loaders; /** * path were the results of the experiments are stored */ private String resultsPath = "results"; /** * data set filters applied to all data */ private List versionFilters; /** * data set filters that decide if a data set is used as test data */ private List testVersionFilters; /** * data set filters that decide if a data is used as candidate training data */ private List trainingVersionFilters; /** * setwise data processors that are applied before the setwise data selection */ private List setwisepreprocessors; /** * setwise data selection strategies */ private List setwiseselectors; /** * setwise data processors that are applied after the setwise data selection */ private List setwisepostprocessors; /** * setwise trainers, i.e., trainers that require the selected training data to be separate from each other */ private List setwiseTrainers; /** * data processors that are applied before the pointwise data selection */ private List preprocessors; /** * pointwise data selection strategies */ private List pointwiseselectors; /** * data processors that are applied before the pointwise data selection */ private List postprocessors; /** * normal trainers, i.e., trainers that require the selected training data in a single data set */ private List trainers; /** * evaluators used for the the experiment results */ private List evaluators; /** * Constructor. Creates a new configuration from a given file. * @param filename name of the file from the configuration is loaded. * @throws ExperimentConfigurationException thrown if there is an error creating the configuration */ public ExperimentConfiguration(String filename) throws ExperimentConfigurationException { this(new File(filename)); } /** * Constructor. Creates a new configuration from a given file. * @param filename handle of the file from the configuration is loaded. * @throws ExperimentConfigurationException thrown if there is an error creating the configuration */ public ExperimentConfiguration(File file) throws ExperimentConfigurationException { loaders = new LinkedList<>(); versionFilters = new LinkedList<>(); testVersionFilters = new LinkedList<>(); trainingVersionFilters = new LinkedList<>(); setwisepreprocessors = new LinkedList<>(); setwiseselectors = new LinkedList<>(); setwisepostprocessors = new LinkedList<>(); setwiseTrainers = new LinkedList<>(); preprocessors = new LinkedList<>(); pointwiseselectors = new LinkedList<>(); postprocessors = new LinkedList<>(); trainers = new LinkedList<>(); evaluators = new LinkedList<>(); if (file == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("file must not be null"); } if (file.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("file must not be a directory"); } configFile = file; experimentName = file.getName().split("\\.")[0]; final SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); spf.setValidating(true); SAXParser saxParser = null; InputSource inputSource = null; try { saxParser = spf.newSAXParser(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException e) { throw new ExperimentConfigurationException(e); } InputStreamReader reader = null; try { reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file), "UTF-8"); inputSource = new InputSource(reader); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException | FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ExperimentConfigurationException("Could not open configuration file.", e); } if (inputSource != null) { inputSource.setSystemId("file://" + file.getAbsolutePath()); try { saxParser.parse(inputSource, this); } catch (SAXException | IOException e) { throw new ExperimentConfigurationException("Error parsing configuration.", e); } } if( reader!=null ) { try { reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ExperimentConfigurationException("Error closing reader.", e); } } } /** * returns the name of the experiment * @return name of the experiment */ public String getExperimentName() { return experimentName; } /** * returns the loaders for instances * @return data loaders */ public List getLoaders() { return loaders; } /** * returns the results path * @return results path */ public String getResultsPath() { return resultsPath; } /** * returns the data set filters of the experiment * @return data set filters of the experiment */ public List getVersionFilters() { return versionFilters; } /** * returns the test set filters of the experiment * @return test set filters of the experiment */ public List getTestVersionFilters() { return testVersionFilters; } /** * returns the candidate training version filters of the experiment * @return candidate training version filters of the experiment */ public List getTrainingVersionFilters() { return trainingVersionFilters; } /** * returns the setwise processors applied before the setwise data selection * @return setwise processors applied before the setwise data selection */ public List getSetWisePreprocessors() { return setwisepreprocessors; } /** * returns the setwise data selection strategies * @return setwise data selection strategies */ public List getSetWiseSelectors() { return setwiseselectors; } /** * returns the setwise processors applied after the setwise data selection * @return setwise processors applied after the setwise data selection */ public List getSetWisePostprocessors() { return setwisepostprocessors; } /** * returns the setwise training algorithms * @return setwise training algorithms */ public List getSetWiseTrainers() { return setwiseTrainers; } /** * returns the processors applied before the pointwise data selection * @return processors applied before the pointwise data selection */ public List getPreProcessors() { return preprocessors; } /** * returns the pointwise data selection strategies * @return pointwise data selection strategies */ public List getPointWiseSelectors() { return pointwiseselectors; } /** * returns the processors applied after the pointwise data selection * @return processors applied after the pointwise data selection */ public List getPostProcessors() { return postprocessors; } /** * returns the normal training algorithm * @return normal training algorithms */ public List getTrainers() { return trainers; } /** * returns the evaluation strategies * @return evaluation strategies */ public List getEvaluators() { return evaluators; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler#startElement(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.xml.sax.Attributes) */ @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { try { if( qName.equals("config") ) { // ingore } else if( qName.equals("loader") ) { final IVersionLoader loader = (IVersionLoader) Class.forName("de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.loader." + attributes.getValue("name")).newInstance(); loader.setLocation(attributes.getValue("datalocation")); loaders.add(loader); // TODO location as relative } else if( qName.equals("resultspath") ) { resultsPath = attributes.getValue("path"); } else if( qName.equals("versionfilter") ) { final IVersionFilter filter = (IVersionFilter) Class.forName("de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.versions." + attributes.getValue("name")).newInstance(); filter.setParameter(attributes.getValue("param")); versionFilters.add(filter); } else if( qName.equals("testVersionfilter") ) { final IVersionFilter filter = (IVersionFilter) Class.forName("de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.versions." + attributes.getValue("name")).newInstance(); filter.setParameter(attributes.getValue("param")); testVersionFilters.add(filter); } else if( qName.equals("trainVersionfilter") ) { final IVersionFilter filter = (IVersionFilter) Class.forName("de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.versions." + attributes.getValue("name")).newInstance(); filter.setParameter(attributes.getValue("param")); trainingVersionFilters.add(filter); } else if( qName.equals("setwisepreprocessor") ) { final ISetWiseProcessingStrategy processor = (ISetWiseProcessingStrategy) Class.forName("de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.dataprocessing." + attributes.getValue("name")).newInstance(); processor.setParameter(attributes.getValue("param")); setwisepreprocessors.add(processor); } else if( qName.equals("setwiseselector") ) { final ISetWiseDataselectionStrategy selection = (ISetWiseDataselectionStrategy) Class.forName("de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.dataselection." + attributes.getValue("name")).newInstance(); selection.setParameter(attributes.getValue("param")); setwiseselectors.add(selection); } else if( qName.equals("setwisepostprocessor") ) { final ISetWiseProcessingStrategy processor = (ISetWiseProcessingStrategy) Class.forName("de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.dataprocessing." + attributes.getValue("name")).newInstance(); processor.setParameter(attributes.getValue("param")); setwisepostprocessors.add(processor); } else if( qName.equals("setwisetrainer") ) { final ISetWiseTrainingStrategy trainer = (ISetWiseTrainingStrategy) Class.forName("" + attributes.getValue("name")).newInstance(); trainer.setParameter(attributes.getValue("param")); setwiseTrainers.add(trainer); } else if( qName.equals("preprocessor") ) { final IProcessesingStrategy processor = (IProcessesingStrategy) Class.forName("de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.dataprocessing." + attributes.getValue("name")).newInstance(); processor.setParameter( attributes.getValue("param")); preprocessors.add(processor); } else if( qName.equals("pointwiseselector") ) { final IPointWiseDataselectionStrategy selection = (IPointWiseDataselectionStrategy) Class.forName("de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.dataselection." + attributes.getValue("name")).newInstance(); selection.setParameter( attributes.getValue("param")); pointwiseselectors.add(selection); } else if( qName.equals("postprocessor") ) { final IProcessesingStrategy processor = (IProcessesingStrategy) Class.forName("de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.dataprocessing." + attributes.getValue("name")).newInstance(); processor.setParameter( attributes.getValue("param")); postprocessors.add(processor); } else if( qName.equals("trainer") ) { final ITrainingStrategy trainer = (ITrainingStrategy) Class.forName("" + attributes.getValue("name")).newInstance(); trainer.setParameter(attributes.getValue("param")); trainers.add(trainer); } else if( qName.equals("eval") ) { final IEvaluationStrategy evaluator = (IEvaluationStrategy) Class.forName("de.ugoe.cs.cpdp.eval." + attributes.getValue("name")).newInstance(); evaluators.add(evaluator); } else if( qName.equals("partialconfig") ) { String path = attributes.getValue("path"); try { boolean relative = true; if( attributes.getValue("relative")!=null ) { relative = Boolean.parseBoolean(attributes.getValue("relative")); } if( relative ) { path = configFile.getParentFile().getPath() + "/" + path; } addConfigurations(new ExperimentConfiguration(path)); } catch (ExperimentConfigurationException e) { throw new SAXException("Could not load partial configuration: " + path, e); } } else { Console.traceln(Level.WARNING, "element in config-file " + configFile.getName() + " ignored: " + qName); } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError | ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | ClassCastException e) { throw new SAXException("Could not initialize class correctly", (Exception) e); } } /** * Adds the information of another experiment configuration to this configuration. This mechanism allows the usage of partial configuration files. The name of the other configuration is lost. *

* If the current data path is the empty string (""), it is override by the datapath of the other configuration. Otherwise, the current data path is kept. * @param other experiment whose information is added */ private void addConfigurations(ExperimentConfiguration other) { if( "results".equals(resultsPath) ) { resultsPath = other.resultsPath; } loaders.addAll(other.loaders); versionFilters.addAll(other.versionFilters); testVersionFilters.addAll(other.testVersionFilters); trainingVersionFilters.addAll(other.trainingVersionFilters); setwisepreprocessors.addAll(other.setwisepreprocessors); setwiseselectors.addAll(other.setwiseselectors); setwisepostprocessors.addAll(other.setwisepostprocessors); setwiseTrainers.addAll(other.setwiseTrainers); preprocessors.addAll(other.preprocessors); pointwiseselectors.addAll(other.pointwiseselectors); postprocessors.addAll(other.postprocessors); trainers.addAll(other.trainers); evaluators.addAll(other.evaluators); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("Experiment name: " + experimentName + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Loaders: " + loaders + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Results path: " + resultsPath + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Version filters: " + versionFilters.toString() + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Test version filters: " + testVersionFilters.toString() + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Training version filters: " + trainingVersionFilters.toString() + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Setwise preprocessors: " + setwisepreprocessors.toString() + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Setwise selectors: " + setwiseselectors.toString() + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Setwise postprocessors: " + setwisepostprocessors.toString() + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Setwise trainers: " + setwiseTrainers.toString() + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Pointwise preprocessors: " + preprocessors.toString() + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Pointwise selectors: " + pointwiseselectors.toString() + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Pointwise postprocessors: " + postprocessors.toString() + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Pointwise trainers: " + trainers.toString() + StringTools.ENDLINE); builder.append("Evaluators: " + evaluators.toString() + StringTools.ENDLINE); return builder.toString(); } }