import "../libraries/decent/common.eol"; import "../libraries/decent/logging.eol"; import "../libraries/arff/common.eol"; var selectedType = Native("java.lang.System").getProperty("epsilon.transformation.decent2arffx.type"); var skipSource = Native("java.lang.System").getProperty("epsilon.transformation.decent2arffx.skipSource").asBoolean(); var Type = DECENT!ArtifactType.allInstances().select(a| = selectedType).first(); if (Type.isUndefined()) { //handle wrong arguments here ? } var types = new OrderedSet(); types.add("code"); //types.add("Class"); //types.add("Method"); //types.add("Function"); //types.add("Module"); //TODO: move to common, use for tagging states? var nestedAnonymousClassFilter = "\"[\\w]+\\$[\\d]+.*\""; var Model = DECENT!Model.allInstances().first(); var TouchCountAttribute = addAttribute("TouchCount", "Number of touches to an artifact"); var ArtifactCountAttribute = addAttribute("ArtifactCount", "Number of known artifacts of the same type"); var AuthorCountAttribute = addAttribute("AuthorCount", "Number of known authors for an artifact up to the current state"); var GlobalAuthorCountAttribute = addAttribute("GlobalAuthorCount", "Number of known authors for all artifacts up to the current state"); var FileCountAttribute = addAttribute("FileCount", "Number of existing artifacts up to the current state"); "Running preprocess".log(1); var start = Native("java.lang.System").currentTimeMillis(); for (type in types) { ("Processing type "+type).log(1); preprocessArtifacts(type); } updateDeltas(); var end = Native("java.lang.System").currentTimeMillis(); var duration = end - start; ("Duration: "+duration.toMinutes().round(5)).log(1); operation updateDeltas() { for (a in DECENT!Artifact.allInstances()) { (""; for (s in|x.isHit())) { for (v in|v.isTypeOf(DoubleValue) or v.isTypeOf(IntegerValue))) { ("[""]""@"+s.ID+"::"; s.fromActivity.get(0).addDelta(v.ofAttribute); } } } } operation preprocessArtifacts(typeName : String) { var type = DECENT!ArtifactType.allInstances().select(t| = typeName).first(); if (type.isUndefined()) { //TODO: check that type is set //handle wrong arguments here ? return; } var artifacts = Artifact.allInstances().select(x|x.type = type and not|; var artifactDevelopers = new Set(); for (a in artifacts) { var sCount = 0; for (s in|x.isHit()).sortBy(x|x.ID)) { ("Processing [""]""@"+s.ID).log(4); sCount = sCount+1; s.addValue(TouchCountAttribute, sCount); // Count artifacts and put existing ones in filecount value var existingArtifacts =||y.fromActivity.first().date.time <= s.fromActivity.first().date.time).size() > 0); var fileCount = existingArtifacts.size(); s.addValue(FileCountAttribute, fileCount); //this refers more to the state of the project at a given point in time //thus the information will be identical in all states of artifacts with the same state.ID //perhaps it should be calculated during the export rather than stored in the model //(note however that it is still artifact type related) var aCount =||y.fromActivity.first().date <= s.fromActivity.first().date).size() > 0).size(); //("@"+s.ID+ " -> Number of known artifacts of type "": "+aCount).println(); s.addValue(ArtifactCountAttribute, aCount); //author count, could also be calculated from all the activities for an artifact up to a point artifactDevelopers.add(s.fromActivity.first().agent); var dCount = artifactDevelopers.size(); s.addValue(AuthorCountAttribute, dCount); //number of all known developers up to the point //NOT restricted to the type of interest!!! DECENT!Agent.allInstances().select(x|| <= s.fromActivity.first().date).size() > 0).size(); var gdCount = artifactDevelopers.size(); s.addValue(GlobalAuthorCountAttribute, gdCount); } artifactDevelopers.clear(); } ("Processing to arffx ...").log(2); var arffx = new ARFFx!Model(); ="-artifacts-"; arffx.meta.put("DECENT.ArtifactType",; arffx.meta.put("ARFFx.Type", "artifact"); for (a in artifacts) { (" Artifact "; //we exclude first and last states! //careful with the filtering here... // for (s in a.states.excluding(a.states.first()).excluding(a.states.last()).select(x|x.isHit() and|x.ID)) { for (s in a.states.excluding(a.states.first()).select(x|x.isHit()).sortBy(x|x.ID)) { s.processTargetState(arffx); } } //on transformation to Weka instances - either transform to ARFFx and then use Java EMF API on ARFFx //or use Java EMF API on DECENT } operation DECENT!State processTargetState (arffx : ARFFx!Model) { var p = self.previous.first(); while (p.isDefined() and not p.isHit()) { //TODO: what if more than one? p = p.previous.first(); } if (p.isDefined() or skipSource){ var i = new ARFFx!Instance();; i.addValue('\"''\"', "Artifact.Name"); i.addValue(self.ID.asString(), "Artifact.Target.StateID"); i.addValue('\"'+self.fromActivity.first()'\"', "Agent.Name"); for (v in|x.isTypeOf(DECENT!DoubleValue) or x.isTypeOf(DECENT!IntegerValue))) { i.addValue(v.content.asString(), "Artifact.Target."; } var ax = self.fromActivity.first(); //TODO: add activity meta-data for (v in|x.isTypeOf(DECENT!DoubleValue) or x.isTypeOf(DECENT!IntegerValue))) { i.addValue(v.content.asString(), "Activity."; } for (v in ax.deltas) { i.addValue(v.change.asString(), "Artifact.Delta."; } //TODO: these are notably missing in several places! if (ax.agentState.isDefined()) { for (v in|x.isTypeOf(DECENT!DoubleValue) or x.isTypeOf(DECENT!IntegerValue))) { //i.addValue(v.content.asString(), "Agent."; } } if (not skipSource) { i.addValue(p.ID.asString(), "Artifact.Source.StateID"); for (v in|x.isTypeOf(DECENT!DoubleValue) or x.isTypeOf(DECENT!IntegerValue))) { i.addValue(v.content.asString(), "Artifact.Source."; } } } else { } }