Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of ESE2015Results

02/12/15 17:00:33 (10 years ago)



  • ESE2015Results

    v1 v2  
    33The archive contains: 
    4  * The compiled version of !CrossPare used for the execution of the experiments. It has been compiled with the source code of revision [26] in the SVN.  
    5  * One folder for the experiments with the Java data (exp-java) and one folder for the experiments with the NASA/SOFTLAB data (exp-nasa). Each folder contains the following: 
     4 * The compiled version of !CrossPare used for the execution of the experiments. It has been compiled with the source code of revision [26] in the SVN. 
     5 * One folder each of the three data sets. Each folder contains the following: 
    66  * the data 
    77  * the experiment configurations 
    88  * the results as .csv files 
     9 * US means only undersampling is applied, i.e., the file contains the configuration/results for ALL data 
     10 * US-ENTITYKNN means that undersampling and the KNN data selection is applied, i.e., the file contains the configuration/results for the KNN data selection 
    911 * The results contain additional metrics and success measures, we did not discuss in the article, but are evaluated by !CrossPare anyways. 
    1012  * the metrics error, recall, precision, f-score, g-score, MCC, AUC, AUCec (after Rahman et al.: Recalling the “imprecision” of cross-project defect prediction), true positive rate (tpr), true negative rate (tnr), number of true positives (tp), number of false negatives (fn), number of true negatives (tn), number of false positives (fp)